Social Media Management Packages

  • Essential

    $600 per month + setup fee

    12 posts per month - Facebook & Instagram

    1 custom branded video per month

    Biannual content creation photo sessions

  • Costera Instagram Grid


    $1000 per month + setup fee

    12 posts per month - Facebook & Instagram

    2 custom branded videos per month

    Quarterly content creation photo sessions

    Google My Business & Bing profile maintenance

    Yelp & Tripadvisor profile maintenance

  • Osteria Lupo Instagram Grid


    $1200 per month + setup fee

    16 posts per month - Facebook & Instagram

    4 custom branded videos per month

    Monthly content creation photo sessions

    Google My Business & Bing profile maintenance

    Yelp & Tripadvisor profile maintenance

All packages include:

  • Social media profile optimization: links, logo, business description, details, highlights, featured & pinned posts.

  • Engagement with client comments and reshares of any applicable press and cross-promotion from other accounts.

  • Monthly content calendar, hashtags for engagement, pre-approval of posts (if desired), monthly social media analytics reports.